Monday, September 21, 2009

Gauging the Risk Factor

Last week, we talked about Gauging the Risk Factor! Have you ever told yourself... "Hey Self, I am only going to have one of these cookies or one of these chips!" And, then you ended up finishing off the entire bag?

Did you determine what your Red, Yellow and Green Light Foods are?

Red Light Foods - Foods that signal STOP! (One bite or taste can trigger a lack of self-control resulting in excessive overeating.)

Yellow Light Foods - Foods that require CAUTION! (You can control them in some situations but not others. A red light food can potentially become a yellow light food.)

Green Light Foods - Foods that signal GO! (Moderate portions are satisfying. You can stay in control while eating them in most situations.)

High-risk foods - those foods that can cause you to lose control and overeat - can lead to lapses, posing dangers to your weight-loss efforts. When you recognize your own high-risk foods, you can figure out how to handle them for long-term weight control. Realizing how certain foods affect you and identifying strategies for managing different foods in different situations are important steps for you to take!

Learn from experience when trying to control Red and Yellow Light Foods. Think about substitutes that you can have for these foods --- lower in points values, something similar in taste (crunchy, salty, sweet).

Also, manage your environment. If you don't buy it or have it, you can't eat it. Find ways to control where you store your Red and Yellow Light Foods so that they're not easily accessible.

And finally, ask for help! Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Asking for help shows that you are determined to make your weight loss journey successful. Find someone at home, a co-worker, a friend, or a relative that you can turn to when you need assistance. Attending your weekly WW meeting can also provide support. You'll be surrounded by people who are experiencing the same challenges and victories are you!

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